

FCC catalyst injection system

작성자 관리자 날짜 2023-09-20 12:31:13 조회수 345
Catalyst-Additive addition systems have been in use since the mid 1980’s, and today there are over 300 units installed in refineries throughout the world. The precise control of injection provides lot of benefits to the refineries. Advantages - Reliable and precise additions. Allows for improved control of unit severity. - The ability to control e-cat activity. Permits higher throughputs, higher severities or the processing of a greater range of feed stocks. - The ability to add additives separately from the fresh catalyst. Allows the refiner the flexibility to quickly respond to changing market conditions. - More stable and efficient FCC operation. Adding small shots of additive over a 24 hours is up to three times more efficient than adding large quantities at the end of each shift.